
Everything new in Android 12 on Chromecast with Google TV

2022年10月17日 — What's new in Android 12 for Chromecast with Google TV? · System sounds are now on · Volume UI is now on the right side · USB hubs apparently ...

Google TV with Android TV OS 13 or even 12

2023年11月15日 — There will be no Android TV 13 as Google has skipped that one in favor of Android TV 14 being next. I don't know if any TVs come with 12 on it.


tvOS 12 · Adds support for Zero Sign-On automatic television app authentication with supported cable providers. · Adds password AutoFill from iPhones and iPads ...

tvOS 12

2019年9月24日 — The current version of tvOS 12 is tvOS 12.4.1, a minor update that was released on August 26. tvOS 12.4.1 focuses on under-the-hood bug fixes ...

What's the point of Google releasing Android TV 12, 13 and ...

2024年3月3日 — Several Android TV devices are currently getting the update to Android TV V12, or are at the end of beta development for the update. Coming from ...

關於Apple TV 4K 和Apple TV HD 的軟體更新

tvOS 12.1.1. 此更新包含一般效能和穩定性改善。 tvOS 12.1. 此更新包含一般效能和穩定性改善。 tvOS 12.0.1. 此更新包含一般效能和穩定性改善。 tvOS 12. 杜比全景聲: ...

關於tvOS 12 的安全性內容

本文說明tvOS 12 的安全性內容。


,2022年10月17日—What'snewinAndroid12forChromecastwithGoogleTV?·Systemsoundsarenowon·VolumeUIisnowontherightside·USBhubsapparently ...,2023年11月15日—TherewillbenoAndroidTV13asGooglehasskippedthatoneinfavorofAndroidTV14beingnext.Idon'tknowifanyTVscomewith12onit.,tvOS12·AddssupportforZeroSign-Onautomatictelevisionappauthenticationwithsupportedcableproviders.·AddspasswordAutoFillfromiPhonesandiPa...